IFR - Approach Clearance

Approach clearance is given in a fixed format: PTAC

For example:

  • Position: 5 miles from XXXXX
  • Turn: turn left heading 280
  • Altitude: maintain 2,000 until established on the localizer
  • Clearance: cleared ILS runway 31 approach

Position is for your situational awareness, no need to read back. Read back Turn, Altitude, and Clearance.

Vectors to final

ATC: Expect vectors across final for spacing.

If you hear this, you will not be turning on final, but will be vectored cross the final and will be vectored back on the final from the other side.

Missed Approach

XXX Approach, Cessna XXXX, missed approach, 1,100 climbing 3000 on the published missed.