IFR - Acronyms

  • Chan: with DME?
  • Rwy ldg: runway landing, length
  • TDZE: touch down zone, MSL
  • Apt Elev: airport elevation, MSL
  • TCH: threshold crossing height
  • RVR: Runway Visual Range
  • IAP: instrument approach procedure
  • PBN: Performance Based Navigation
  • RNP APCH: RNP Approach
  • RNAV: Area Navigation
  • ILS: Instrument Landing System
  • RF: Radius to Fix.
    • RF leg: A curved segment that indicates a constant radius circular path around a defined turn center (think of a DME arc in VOR apporaches). RF legs start and end on a fix or waypoint.


  • IAF: the initial approach fix.
  • IF: the intermediate fix, is the next fix after the IAF.
  • FAF: Final approach fix.


  • VDP: Visual Descent Point
  • MAP: Missed Approach Point