Private Pilot

To be qualified for private pilot checkride, check 61.109 Aeronautical experience.

About ACS

Each task include 3 categories: Knowledge, Risk Management, Skills. The DPE will have to choose at least one Knowledge element, at least one Risk Management element, and ALL the Skills.

The Flight Review Prep Course

Though it is for flight reviews, the content is also relevant to private pilot check rides:


FAR 830

  • Within 48 hours if requested by ATC: If a pilot is given priority by ATC in an emergency, he must submit a detailed report within 48 hours if requested by ATC.
  • The operator of a civil aircraft must file a report within 10 days after an accident.
  • The operator of a civil aircraft must file a report after 7 days if an overdue aircraft is still missing.
  • The operator of a civil aircraft must immediately notify the nearest NTSB field office when an accident occurs resulting in substantial damage.
  • The operator of a civil aircraft must immediately notify the nearest NTSB field office when an in-flight fire incident occurs.
  • A near midair collision (NMAC) is defined as an incident associated with the operation of an aircraft in which a possibility of collision occurs due to its proximity of less than 500 feet to another aircraft. Pilots and/or flight crew members involved in NMAC occurrences are urged to report each incident immediately to the nearest FAA ATC facility or by writing to the nearest FAA FSDO office.
  • Serious injury means any injury which requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within 7 days from the date the injury was received.
  • Substantial damage means damage or failure which adversely affects the structural strength, performance, or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and which would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component.
  • The operator of a civil aircraft must immediately notify the nearest NTSB field office when a flight control system malfunction or failure incident occurs.
  • FAR 61.15: A pilot convicted of operating a motor vehicle while either intoxicated by, impaired by, or under the influence of alcohol or a drug must provide a written report of the motor vehicle actions to the FAA Civil Aviation Security Division within 60 days.