

  • Class B: top between 7,000 to 12,500 MSL; model C veil 30nm
  • Class C:
    • inner ring 5nm radius, surface to 1,200 AGL
    • outer ring 10nm radius, 1,200 AGL to 4,000 AGL
  • Class D: 4 nm radius, 2500 AGL

Victor Airways

Victor airways

  • extend from 1,200′ AGL up to but not including 18,000′ MSL.
  • the width of Victor Airways is 4 NM per side, or 8 NM total.

VFR Communication Requirements

two-way radio communication Yes Yes Yes No No
Transponder with Mode-C / ADS-B Yes Yes No No No
Needs ATC clearance to enter Yes No No No No
Establish communication with approach control Yes Yes No No No

VFR Weather Minimums

To make it easier to remember:

  • 152 = 1,000 ft above, 500 ft below, 2,000 ft horizontal
  • 111 = 1,000 ft above, 1,000 ft below, 1 statue mile horizontal

By class:

  • Class A: no VFR.
  • Class B: 3 sm, Clear of Clouds
  • Class C: 3 sm, 152
  • Class D: 3 sm, 152
  • Class E:
    • at or above 10,000 MSL: 5 sm, 111
    • below 10,000 MSL: 3sm, 152
  • Class G:
    • 1200 AGL or less
      • Day: 1 sm, clear of clouds;
      • Night: 3 sm, 152, except within 1/2 mile of the runway and in the traffic pattern, it reverts to day time minimum
    • more than 1,200 ft AGL but below 10,000 MSL
      • Day: 1 sm, 152
      • Night: 3 sm, 152
    • above 1,200 ft AGL and at or above 10,000 MSL: day or night, 5 sm, 111.


Class D may be reverted to Class E or Class G when the tower is closed. Check AFD.